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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-08-26

Enclosure is a common equipment in our life. It is used to separate the construction place from the place without construction. We, Jinan enclosure manufacturer, will introduce the problems and applications that need attention in setting it.
Problems to be noted during fence setting:
When we use color steel fences, we will occupy some road facilities, and it is a matter to consider when erecting fences. Especially, many color steel fences still exist, and parking spaces and other aspects should also be taken into account when arranging color steel fences. Different conditions will have different effects on color steel fences. We should pay attention to that.
In addition, there is a very important point in the design of color steel fence, which is the safety of the fence. The fence itself is a barrier configured for safety, so the safety function is also the color of everyone. The manufacturer of steel fence should remember that this is very important. If the color steel fence is not paid attention to when arranging the color steel fence, the safety problem will be affected.
Attention shall be paid to the application during fence setting:
1. Simple mobile fences can be selected for temporary construction sites, such as residential transformer maintenance, road repair, temporary excavation, external wall decoration and other small temporary construction sites. Simple fences can save money, not to mention simple ones, which do not require installation. However, some counties and cities without specific provisions can also use simple fences.
2. The enclosure is suitable for general construction site. The enclosure structure is light, simple and low-cost, but it is not as convenient as the color steel enclosure. However, it still needs to be installed. The enclosure is beautiful and colorful, and can meet different use scenarios. Moreover, it is relatively cheap and easy to carry. However, if it is not used for a long time, it will fade in about 1-2 years, and will corrode in the long-term outdoor sunshine and rain, affecting safety. The construction period of one to two years can be considered, Of course, we should abide by local regulations.
3. The enclosure cover plate is applicable to all construction sites without special provisions. The enclosure deck has a wide range of uses and can be used in almost all construction sites. It can be used for a long time. It is reliable and not easy to corrode. It can almost meet all the management regulations of different cities. However, the price is higher than the above two types. Therefore, generally, large long-term construction sites can be selected. There are also color steel enclosures that must be used according to local regulations.
The above are the problems and applications that we Jinan fence manufacturers introduced to you. If you want to know about this product, you can follow our website and contact us at any time http://www.dajiajie.cn Ask questions!

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