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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2022-08-18

It is natural to choose construction fences for construction on the construction site. When dealing with matters at this time, it is necessary to properly solve the problems. From these aspects, the effect is not very good, so it is reasonable to use construction fences. The safety requirements also need to be understood. From these aspects, the effect is particularly obvious. The enclosure construction manufacturer will explain the contents for you.
1、 The construction enclosure also contains a foundation pit, and the damage is a deep foundation pit. Therefore, at this time, it is a very serious comparison to determine the size and whether the amount of concrete used is very high, and the bearing capacity of this is not good. Otherwise, as long as there is a strong wind, there will be serious problems, No one would like to see this phenomenon, or because of the wind, they fell down and hurt pedestrians.
2、 When blocking pedestrians, pay attention to where the crossing will be. If a barrier is set at a crossing like this, it will only affect the safety. Therefore, at such a stage, the foundation pit will also be a potential safety hazard. When the barrier is used, the safety problem needs to be evaluated, It's not good if there is danger because it blocks the view of others during installation.
In addition, clean frequently to keep the surface clean. When scrubbing, just choose soft gauze or cotton yarn to avoid damaging the beautiful surface of the green fence. No matter how serious the infectious matter is cleaned, no cleaning agent shall be added to the cleaning solution, because the cleaning agent will reduce the friction force between the cleaning brush and the cleaning surface and affect the cleaning results.
Pay attention to moisture. If it is only normal outdoor air humidity, you can relax the rust resistance of green guardrail facilities. In case of foggy weather, dry cotton cloth shall be used to wipe the water drops on the cast iron fence; In case of rain, the water shall be wiped off in time after the rain stops. Due to frequent acid rain in most parts of China, the rain remaining on the cast iron fence should be wiped off immediately after the rain
Outdoor dust is flying and increasing day by day, and a layer of floating dust will fall on the iron facilities. It will affect the glory of the cast iron fence and cause damage to the iron protection film. Therefore, the color steel fence of outdoor cast iron fence facilities should be cleaned regularly, and the color steel fence should be cleaned regularly. It is better to wipe with soft soft cotton fabric.
Do you know that more attention should be paid to safety when using construction fences? After all, high safety performance is qualified. Therefore, we should pay more attention to security. For more matters, please visit our website http://www.dajiajie.cn Consult.

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