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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-07-31

Construction site enclosure can be said to be an advertising form with the packaging characteristics of the real estate industry. A good enclosure advertisement can achieve the purpose of publicity and promoting project sales. Improperly designed enclosure advertisements will damage the image of the project. So how can the construction site fence be packaged?
The overall layout of the site enclosure needs to be carefully planned in advance, which is the same as the layout of calligraphy works. Words are afraid of making a line. When a word exists alone, it is "self-contained" regardless of its size and thickness. However, when many characters form a calligraphy work, the size and thickness of the characters and the density between the characters must be very particular.
Otherwise, if there is no planning and layout, even if every word is beautiful, it is difficult to become a good calligraphy work. Similarly, if wall advertisements are set up according to the general idea of outdoor billboard production, they will be ordinary in appearance and will not have a surprising effect in layout.
Therefore, compared with other outdoor advertisements, wall advertisements should first work hard on the layout, not only strive to make every billboard wonderful, but also pay attention to the overall effect and strive for the overall aesthetic effect.
Generally speaking, the basic tone of the enclosure advertisement should be about 3 kinds. If the tone is too simple, it will be too dull and annoying. Too much will be too fancy, dazzling, at a loss.
In addition, most of the project construction sites are dusty. If the color of the enclosure is too gray, and then covered with a layer of dust, it will be even more gray. Moreover, pedestrians are often in a hurry. Without a bright color, they cannot attract the attention of pedestrians. More importantly, a reasonable color matching can attract the attention of pedestrians and achieve the purpose of advertising.
Construction site enclosure advertisements are generally composed of several relatively independent advertisements that echo each other. Because its "lineup" is strong and well used, it can often produce good publicity effects. However, if the structure is not properly grasped, it will not only fail to give play to the "cluster" effect, but may backfire, giving people a sense of fragmentation and making people unable to find the "North".
The content arrangement and structure of construction site enclosure are completely different from other outdoor advertisements. In general, outdoor advertising, each billboard is a completely independent subject, and each billboard has its own complete content. Because of its integrity, each billboard must not only have relatively independent content, but also complement each other to form a complete theme.
Therefore, there must be a clear hierarchy between billboards, who expresses what, who appeals for what, and a clear division of labor. Otherwise, there will be no distinction between primary and secondary. At the same time, each billboard cannot go its own way. If everyone says his own thing, it will become fragmented and disordered. Come to the website for more relevant content http://www.dajiajie.cn consulting service

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