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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-07-31

In fact, PVC fences are used in many places, such as some construction sites. At this time, PVC fences will be used, which can not only reduce the noise generated during construction, but also weaken the dust generated during construction. In addition, PVC fences also have good performance, which is very popular with many construction teams. What environment is PVC enclosure suitable for?
1. Simple movable fences can be selected for temporary construction sites, such as residential transformer maintenance, road repair, temporary excavation, facade decoration and other small temporary construction sites. Simple PVC fences can be selected to save money, not to mention simple, and can be used at any time without installation. However, some counties and cities without specific regulations can also use simple fences.
2. PVC fence is suitable for construction on construction site in general construction period. PVC fence is light, simple and cheap, but it is not as convenient as simple fence, so it still needs to be installed. PVC fence is beautiful and generous, with various colors, which can meet different scenes and environments, and the price is relatively cheap and convenient for transportation.
However, the use time is not long, generally about 1-2 years will appear discoloration, long-term outdoor exposure to the sun and rain will cause corrosion, affecting safety. The construction period of one to two years can be considered. Of course, it still needs to meet local regulations.
3. PVC fences are applicable to all construction sites without special regulations. PVC fences are used in a wide range, and can be used on almost all construction sites. They can be used for a long time, are reliable and not easy to corrode, and can meet almost all management regulations in different cities. But the price is more expensive than the above two, so generally large-scale long-term construction sites can choose, and there is also a need for color steel fences that need to be used according to local regulations.
PVC enclosure is suitable for a variety of environments. If you want to consult about it, please come to our website http://www.dajiajie.cn OK.

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