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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-06-20

Jinan fence is a kind of treated fence. It is generally used for building enclosure, urban enclosure and road enclosure. Compared with the traditional color steel fence, it has the advantages of convenience, beauty and high turnover rate, and its cost is lower than that of the color steel fence. The enclosure is made of PVC and lined with galvanized steel pipe. After joint planning, the box body is formed as a whole, with no welding points and high strength. The surface is treated by special process to form a protective film, which not only makes the surface smooth and rust free, but also clean and convenient, and can be used repeatedly.
Equipment process: foundation construction → guardrail pile on equipment → upper and lower beams of equipment → equipment fence plate → repeat the above process. First, the ground hardening or the construction of the bottom bearing platform shall be carried out at the place requiring enclosure, and then the enclosure device shall be carried out.
The first enclosure column shall be established at the beginning of the enclosure, and the gasket shall be placed at the bottom of the enclosure column, and then the surrounding shall be fixed with screws; Secondly, the upper and lower crossbeams of Jinan enclosure shall be erected at the beginning, and the crossbeams shall be connected through the reserved holes on the fence posts. Fence baffles shall be installed between the upper and lower crossbeams.
When installing the fence at Jinan construction site, it shall be installed on the ground with the upper opening flush and fixed on the upper, middle and lower beams with self tapping screws. During grinding, the next wave of the previous color steel guardrail shall be accurately placed on the next wave of the previous Jinan construction site enclosure. During grinding, it shall be flat, and then the grinding area shall be fixed with self tapping screws.
During construction, the ground elevation difference of color steel fence line shall be measured first, and the fence foundation elevation shall be segmented according to the elevation difference. The section to be leveled shall be leveled. For unconditional sections, a long horizontal line shall be kept as far as possible, and steps shall be used to adjust the elevation difference caused by the ground. Ensure the verticality and straightness of the column.
The datum line shall be set out in advance with a theodolite according to the drawing requirements, and the center point of the cylinder shall be marked with a ruler. During construction, every 4 columns or several control columns shall be constructed according to the situation, and their elevation and line position shall be checked. Hang the line to construct the middle column after it is correct. When the foundation concrete strength reaches more than 70%, Jinan enclosure shall be suspended for bearing.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.dajiajie.cn 。

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