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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-06-15

It is believed that we often see the use of color steel plate fence at construction sites, but it is mainly used for safety fence. In order to prevent the construction site and the external environment from becoming a relatively closed space, it is necessary to prevent external personnel from entering the construction site equipment. The use of fences has provided us with many conveniences. Next, we will introduce in detail several principles that should be followed for packaging color steel plate enclosure.
When a word exists alone, it is "self-contained" regardless of its size and thickness. But when many characters form a calligraphy work, the size and thickness of the characters should be very careful. Otherwise, if there is no strategy and layout, even if every word is beautiful, it is difficult to become a good calligraphy work.
Similarly, if we set up wall advertisements according to the general idea of making color steel plate fence, the appearance will be simple and direct, and will not play an unexpected role in the layout. Therefore, compared with other on-site advertisements, wall advertisements should work hard on the layout, not only make each billboard dazzling, but also pay attention to the overall role. Pursue all good results.
The color steel plate enclosure is mostly composed of a group of content links or relatively independent billboards, so we should pay attention to the overall role and strive for the overall beauty. If we only pursue the individual functions of each billboard and ignore the overall beauty, even if each billboard is a satisfactory product, this group of advertisements is difficult to leave a deep impression.
Advertising color matching is a headache for advertising creators. How to realize the visual impact of advertising pictures and ensure the integrity of visual memory is very wonderful. The closed advertisement of the website faces the audience with its "collective" image, and the color matching is more exquisite.
Generally speaking, the basic colors of color steel plate enclosure advertisements are suitable for about three kinds. Too many single colors will be too monotonous. Too much will be too fancy and dazzling. Most construction sites are also dusty. If the color of the shell is too dark, it will become grayer after dusting. Pedestrians often pass in a hurry. There are no artificial bright colors, which can not attract people's attention. More importantly, a reasonable color scheme is far from achieving the purpose of advertising.
The above is the related content about the principles that should be observed by the packaging color steel plate enclosure introduced to you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.dajiajie.cn 。

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