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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2023-02-20

During the construction process, when building the woodworking processing shed, attention must be paid to the safety protection measures, and the construction personnel must carry out the construction according to the construction requirements. The location of outdoor mixer, on-site concrete mixer, winch shed, reinforcement shed, woodworking shed and some entrances and exits, as well as the need for on-site toilets, all need to set up woodworking processing shed. Due to the increase of woodworking sheds used in buildings, many manufacturers can make woodworking sheds.
木工加工棚在建筑工地上是保護建筑施工材料的堆放、為了防止工地物品不受雨水淋濕導致生銹。 木工加工棚搭設完畢后,須經過專職員驗收合格,方可投入使用。在加工棚搭設和拆除前,須進行技術交底。
The carpentry processing shed is used to protect the stacking of construction materials on the construction site, and to prevent the rusting of site items from being soaked by rain. After the carpentry processing shed is erected, it can only be put into use after passing the acceptance of the full-time safety officer. Before the erection and removal of the processing shed, safety technical disclosure must be carried out.
High-altitude operators must receive professional technical training and pass the professional examination, and work with certificates. The steel pipes, fasteners and other materials used in the woodworking shed must meet the requirements of safety technical specifications and relevant standards. When erecting and dismantling the horizontal woodworking processing shed, the operators' "three treasures of safety" must be complete and used correctly.
When erecting and dismantling the woodworking shed, it is necessary to avoid working up and down at the same time and stagger the operation time. When erecting and dismantling the woodworking processing shed, all materials and tools shall be stacked at least 2m within the outer boundary of the building, and the stacking height shall not exceed 1m. The removed materials must be transferred to the floor and transported away in time. Throwing from high altitude is strictly prohibited. When erecting and dismantling the woodworking processing shed, a warning area should be set on the ground and a special person should be assigned to monitor it.
When erecting and dismantling the woodworking shed, a special person shall be assigned to command. The management personnel shall be diligent in eyes, legs and mouth, and actively take effective safety protection measures for dangerous situations to ensure personnel safety. In rainy and windy weather, the erection and dismantling of woodworking processing shed shall be suspended, and the safety of woodworking processing shed shall be checked and maintained.
During the construction process, when building the woodworking processing shed, attention must be paid to the safety protection measures, and the construction personnel must carry out the construction according to the construction requirements. The location of outdoor mixer, on-site concrete mixer, winch shed, reinforcement shed, woodworking shed and some entrances and exits, as well as the need for on-site toilets, all need to set up woodworking processing shed. Come to our website if you need http://www.dajiajie.cn Ask!

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