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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2023-02-15

It is of great benefit to promote the use of simulated turf enclosure and artificial turf green plant cultural wall on the construction site. The construction site is prone to dust pollution. The use of artificial turf with simulated green plants in the site enclosure can not only beautify the urban environment, but also have environmental protection effects such as dust suppression and sound absorption. The use of artificial turf with simulated green plants for site enclosure can improve the management level of civilized construction on the construction site and promote the dust pollution control of construction projects through fine construction. The fence manufacturer explains the specific contents for you:
The enclosure of housing construction engineering, rail transit engineering and demolition engineering site shall be equipped with simulated green plants; The municipal engineering site can refer to the building construction site to set up the simulated green plant enclosure, and can also set up the stereotyped enclosure according to the actual situation.
Simulated green plant enclosure structure with artificial turf as the finish, the back glue of artificial turf shall be tightly adhered to the enclosure wall without obvious color difference, fade, height (thickness) not less than 1 cm, tuft density of turf not less than 13650 needles/square meter, grass fiber fineness not less than 7500 decibels, and the quality of turf environmental protection shall not be lower than the quality control standard of synthetic materials in Jiangsu Province. The construction site shall provide the factory certificate and corresponding technical parameters of the simulated lawn for future reference.
For the green plant enclosure facilities, closed hard enclosure must be set. The enclosure must be firm, stable, neat and beautiful, and the foundation must be firm; Encourage the promotion and use of simulated green plant enclosure and green plant cultural wall. Vigorously promoting simulated green plant enclosure can make our city full of vitality and vitality.
The simulated green plant enclosure is the most widely used form for municipal greening. The original common one is the painted enclosure. With the improvement of people's requirements for the environment, in recent years, especially from 15 years, the simulated green plant enclosure has come into people's sight.
The specific method is to use green artificial turf to cover the steel plate, cement wall or wood board. The quality of artificial turf is better than that of spray painting. Because of the thickness, the three-dimensional effect of enclosure made of artificial turf is usually good. In addition, the enclosure of artificial turf should be durable and can be used for 5-6 years without problems.
Many people find that the surrounding construction site fence has turned green and paved with artificial turf. The common simulated green lawn that can be used on the fence is mainly the difference in height, density and appearance. The construction site is surrounded by artificial turf, which is usually 10mm high, 15mm high, 20mm high and 25mm high.
Unlike natural green plants, industrial fenced artificial turf does not need late maintenance, let alone special maintenance. One investment can benefit from it for a long time. So the artificial turf enclosure is more and more popular with the construction unit and the construction unit, and in general, the artificial turf has a high cost performance. Come to our website for more relevant content http://www.dajiajie.cn consulting service

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