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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-10-19

The edge guard rail is an important protective device. Due to its strong practicability, it is widely used in the project construction. Its performance is outstanding and its practice is simple. The construction personnel can choose the appropriate style according to the project needs. Now, we will learn about the characteristics and practice of the edge guard rail in Jinan in detail. I hope the following content can help you.
Important characteristics of edge guardrail:
The edge guard fence is beautiful and durable. The edge guard fence has good aesthetics. It is frequently used in many sites in real life. Its appearance design is also beautiful, adding a temperament to the site.
The edge protection fence also has high anti-corrosion performance, which has a good anti-corrosion property. It can effectively reduce the impact of the product being damaged by hard substances, present the anti-corrosion performance, and achieve protective measures.
The edge guard fence also has a strong isolation effect, effectively promoting more important isolation measures in practice, which can help the site facilities to effectively isolate and facilitate the site management.
The edge guard fence can also help to achieve limited vision, with good protection performance, and promote good practical application skills when helping the site to implement effectively.
Standard practice of edge guardrail:
When the excavation depth exceeds 2000mm, the edge guard rails shall be erected. The edge guard rails shall be erected with steel pipes, and three horizontal rods shall be set. The distance between the vertical rods shall not be greater than 1800mm. The depth of the vertical rods into the ground shall not be less than 700mm. The lower part of the guard rails shall be set with 200mm high 18mm thick wood plywood toe boards. The horizontal rods, vertical rods and toe boards of the guard rails shall be painted with 400mm spacing red and white warning paint. All horizontal rods shall extend 100mm outside the vertical rods.
Edge guardrails are commonly used protective devices in construction projects. The two more common styles are mesh guardrails and guardrails. Edge guardrails are made of customized steel pipes for welding, which are beautiful and practical. The construction method is simple. If you need edge guardrails and protective devices, you can call us for advice http://www.dajiajie.cn To provide you with product services.

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