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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-10-15

In engineering projects, it is often necessary to use a large number of Jinan fences to enclose the surrounding of the building, so as to isolate the construction site from the external traffic environment. This is a common project. What are the functions and setting specifications of the enclosure? Let me tell you.
What is the function of Jinan enclosure
1. After installation on the construction site, the construction is not afraid of dust flying everywhere, and the compressive strength is very strong. Some soil and buildings are not afraid of being extinguished, and the construction environment can be fully guaranteed;
2. Don't worry about its quality. It is strong in rust prevention, chemical corrosion and other aspects. It doesn't need to be repaired. After the project is completed, it can be directly cleaned; Jinan fence is beautiful and tidy, giving people a comfortable feeling, and making more construction projects found;
3. It can also deliver some green advertisements, so that everyone can notice the serious pollution of the environment. The construction site enclosure itself is very environmentally friendly, which can be recycled after the completion of the project to save costs and materials; This makes each installation and removal very convenient.
Specification for fence setting in Jinan
1. Jinan enclosure shall be clean and stable, and its positioning shall be based on the principle of not interfering with road traffic and pedestrian traffic. To ensure that the construction site is isolated from the outside world. Before construction, traffic signs shall be set up and managed by special personnel. It is strictly prohibited to stack residual soil, building materials and other sundries near the enclosure area, and keep the enclosure area clean;
2. Jinan enclosure is composed of brick foundation, column (including casing), upper and lower beams and PVC plate. The thickness of skeleton shall not be less than 60x4 angle steel. The back of Jinan enclosure supports 30mm steel pipes, which are placed on the existing road surface. The outriggers of Jinan enclosure are welded with steel bars and fixed on the ground by drilling.
The enclosure must be set continuously around the construction site without gaps. The enclosure structure in Jinan should be firm, stable, tight, clean and beautiful; Fencing during construction can not only ensure construction safety, but also beautify the urban environment. Come to our website if you need http://www.dajiajie.cn Consult and understand!

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