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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-09-21

In cities, building fences can be seen everywhere. These building fences are the symbol of a civilized city and the basic requirements for building safety. Here, Jinan Fencing Team will share with you the requirements that should be paid attention to and followed in the installation and use of fencing at the new construction site.
1、 The enclosure of the construction site shall be strong enough:
During the installation and use of the construction fence, one of the standards to be guaranteed is that it has a certain degree of stability. For this kind of fence, if it can achieve a higher stability, then in this case, it can be ensured that the fence will not be damaged due to various small shocks during the construction process, so that the construction site can be more effectively separated from the non construction site. This is very important, and the principle must be strictly observed!
2、 The construction site enclosure shall be clean enough:
This is also an indispensable principle, because for the construction fence, if the cleanliness of the construction site is poor when using this method to maintain the construction site, especially in the periphery of the construction site, this kind of fence will bulge or have other situations, which will seriously affect the use of urban roads, and may even lead to more serious traffic accidents. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the fence clean when building it!
3、 Requirements for enclosure at construction site, beautiful:
This is also indispensable. Many people may think that the main function of building enclosures is to separate construction sites from non construction sites. Many people think that construction sites do not have a very high requirement for aesthetics, but in fact, this is not the case. The enclosure at the construction site shall be clean and beautiful, especially at the periphery of the enclosure.
If high aesthetics can be achieved, it can prevent the construction site from affecting the appearance of the city during construction. Therefore, in order to prevent these construction sites from seriously damaging the urban landscape during construction, it is necessary to ensure that the construction fence at the construction site has a certain aesthetic feeling!
Based on the above introduction and analysis, we can know what principles should be followed when building the enclosure. If the above standards can be met, it will certainly help many construction sites to carry out maintenance. This can not only ensure the smooth construction, but also avoid the impact on non construction parts, so pay attention to this aspect! Come to our website for more information http://www.dajiajie.cn consulting service

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