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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-09-18

Color steel enclosure refers to the countermeasures adopted to isolate the capital construction from environmental factors on the spot and turn the construction site into a relatively closed indoor space, including the courtyard walls built with various raw materials for infilled walls, and the maintenance body composed of various formed plates. How to clean the color steel coaming? Jinan enclosure manufacturer explains to you.
1. Clean frequently, and do a good job of surface cleaning unremittingly. When cleaning, just choose a soft plastic sand cloth or cotton yarn to prevent scratching the beautiful surface of the fence. No matter how difficult the dirt is to be cleaned, it is not allowed to add a trace of detergent in the cleaning solution, because the detergent will damage the smoothness of the cleaning surface to a certain extent;
2. Check the guardrails at different locations regularly to prevent the fence from being damaged;
3. The road separation fence cleaning vehicle shall be used to stop the reasonable cleaning;
4. Moisture proof. Assuming that all the relative humidity in the suburbs is normal, it is safe to clean the rust resistance of the protective fence equipment. In foggy days, dry pure cotton cloth shall be used to clean the water drops on the cast iron wall. If it rains, dry the water immediately after the rain stops. Due to the frequent harm of acid rain in most areas of China, the residual precipitation on the cast iron enclosure must be wiped off first in rainy days;
5. Dust is flying in the suburbs with little deposition, and there is dust on the iron equipment. It will endanger the brightness of the cast iron enclosure, thus causing the destruction of the original film of the iron accessories.
Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean the colored steel plate fence of the cast iron wall mechanical equipment in the countryside. It is always normal to enclose the colored steel plate, which is easy to clean with soft cotton cloth. Come to our website for more information http://www.dajiajie.cn Consult!

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