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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-05-17

Fence is a very common construction facility for us, which will be used in both road construction and house construction. So how to make the service life of Engineering enclosure longer? Here are some precautions.
In order to protect the appearance of the project enclosure, we need to wipe the pollutants with gauze soaked in neutral solvent, and then wipe it with dry gauze. It is forbidden to use acidic or alkaline cleaners, which are easy to corrode the glass railings.
Cleaning is a regular, regular or regular place to clean. In this way, once problems are found, they can be handled in time to avoid unnecessary troubles in the later use process. It is also a way to effectively prolong the service life of the project enclosure.
Outdoor dust is flying, accumulated over time, and a layer of floating dust will fall on the engineering enclosure facilities. It will affect the color of cast iron enclosure, and then lead to the damage of Engineering enclosure protective film. Therefore, the outdoor cast iron enclosure facilities should be wiped regularly, generally with soft software cotton fabric.
If it is only the general outdoor air humidity, you can rest assured of the rust resistance of the enclosure facilities of the greening project. In case of heavy fog, wipe the water drops on the cast iron fence with dry cotton cloth; In case of rainy days, the water drops shall be wiped dry in time after the rain stops. As acid rain has been rampant in most parts of China in recent years, the rainwater remaining on the cast-iron fence should be wiped dry immediately after the rain.
The project enclosure manufacturer reminds you that you need to wash frequently to keep the surface clean. When scrubbing, try to choose soft gauze or cotton yarn to avoid scratching the beautiful surface of the greening project enclosure. No matter how serious the pollutants are cleaned, no cleaning agent shall be added to the cleaning solution, because the cleaning agent will reduce the friction between the cleaning brush and the cleaning surface and affect the cleaning effect.
While engineering enclosure brings us protection, its posture also adds color to our life. If you want to extend its service life, you need to use it correctly or maintain it correctly. For more information, please come to our website for consultation.

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