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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-05-13

The enclosure structure has the characteristics of beautiful appearance, cleanness, low price, fast installation and repeated use. Its height, size and shape shall be determined according to the construction site environment and suitable for the surrounding environment. What are the requirements of construction site enclosure and maintenance regulations?
The enclosure materials are firm, stable, neat and beautiful. It is recommended to set them continuously along the four sides of the construction site. The color steel plate movable fence shall be fixed with rivets at the construction side every 3m to fix the color steel plate and column. The top of the retaining structure shall be flat and the facade shall be straight. It cannot be used as retaining wall, water retaining wall, billboard and support wall of mechanical equipment.
When installing the municipal enclosure structure, the construction shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant general design drawing and the design of the construction enclosure structure. Arrange special personnel to clean the construction enclosure structure regularly. After the construction of the construction enclosure structure is completed, the acceptance opinions shall be rectified in time to ensure its construction quality, beauty, anti-theft and cleanliness. In addition, there should be green areas around the construction fence that meet the requirements. The construction fence shall not be used for other purposes or temporary construction, but can only be used as a fence around the construction site.
The construction enclosure structure and safety sign facilities shall be inspected and maintained by special personnel. In case of traffic congestion caused by traffic accidents during construction, construction personnel and traffic management personnel shall take effective measures to evacuate the traffic in time to ensure smooth traffic.
In the construction process, it is necessary to strictly abide by relevant traffic regulations and establish a safety management system. All construction personnel and vehicles must operate in accordance with relevant safety technical regulations, obey the management and command of traffic police and other superior relevant departments, and prohibit illegal operation. Strictly control the dripping and leakage during construction and transportation, do not stack construction waste and domestic waste around the construction site, and clean up the residues on the construction site in time.
Necessary duty posts shall be set at the construction entrance of the construction site, and the personnel on duty shall guide the traffic and take care of the safety signs and construction facilities. Set up warning signs and reflective stickers where necessary to remind and protect vehicles at night. Place the fixed sandbag on the sign support to prevent traffic congestion or even accidents caused by wind or moving position.
In addition to understanding these requirements and maintenance regulations, the construction scheme of color steel enclosure is also very important, because a good scheme can effectively avoid some unnecessary troubles. For more information, please visit www.dajiajie.cn Com.

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