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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2023-12-19


When it comes to PVC, you may not be very familiar with it, but when it comes to PVC flower bed guardrails, you may become very familiar with them. They can be seen everywhere. When used on flower beds, they are called flower bed guardrails, when used in residential areas, they are called residential guardrails, and when used in green belts, they are called green belt guardrails. In fact, to put it simply, PVC is a plastic material with a high cost performance ratio, which is widely used in urban life. Therefore, the manufacturer of Huasu Xinghong guardrail fence will first introduce one application - PVC flower bed guardrail. This type of flower bed guardrail is a new type of flower bed guardrail applied around flower beds to protect flowers and add beauty to the city.


1、 Can you imagine the beautiful flowers blooming on both sides of the road on the flower bed guardrail? Against the backdrop, it will appear even more eye-catching and unique, making you unable to resist the urge to stop and feel the beautiful moments here.



Nowadays, with the improvement of people's quality of life, they also demand that their surroundings be pleasing to the eye and meet their inner needs. The emergence of PVC flower bed guardrails will bring a different kind of charm, making you unconsciously fall in love with that feeling. Still fragrant in my heart.


2、 Advantages of PVC flower bed guardrails:


3、 The appearance of PVC flower bed guardrail is beautiful: it has multiple colors such as white, blue, red, green, etc., with bright colors and a smooth surface.


4、 Characteristics of PVC flower bed guardrail: safe, environmentally friendly, harmless to humans (animals): smooth surface, delicate touch, bright colors, high strength, good toughness, using domestically produced first-class raw materials, even if accidentally touched, the guardrail will not harm people like steel or iron guardrails.


5、 Anti aging test of PVC flower bed guardrail: it will not fade, crack or embrittle when used at -50 ℃ to 70 ℃, and can last up to 30 years.


6、 The flower bed guardrail is maintenance free: it does not wither, corrode, fade, requires no daily maintenance, and does not pollute the environment.


7、 Easy installation of flower bed guardrail: It adopts patented friction type connection or proprietary connection accessories for installation, which is simple, fast, and firmly fixed.


8、 How about the flower bed guardrail? Overall, PVC flower bed guardrails have a beautiful appearance, bright colors, do not fade, are sturdy and durable, have high impact strength, good weather resistance, high temperature resistance, cold resistance, salt spray resistance, moisture resistance, maintenance free, easy to clean, long service life, one-time investment, and can be used for a long time.


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