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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2023-10-30


Measurement and setting out: Based on the enclosure design drawings, measure and set out the dimensions and plane positions of the enclosure, and determine the specific positions of the columns and enclosures.
Foundation excavation: Based on the measurement and setting out results, the excavation of the enclosure foundation should be designed according to the height and weight of the enclosure.
Column pouring: After the foundation excavation is completed, the column pouring is carried out. The column should be composed of embedded parts and the main square cage. The embedded parts should be positioned in the foundation pit and poured first. After solidification, the retaining square cage should be welded or bolted to the embedded steel plate.
Panel assembly: After the pouring of the column is completed, the assembly of the panel begins. The board surface is composed of 10 double-layer hollow high-strength PVC boards, with a height of 1900mm and a thickness of 22mm. After the welding of the keel on the board surface is completed, the galvanized board surface can be mortise assembled.
Screen painting: After the board assembly is completed, the screen painting installation is carried out. The screen can be made of advertising spray painting cloth or other suitable materials. After the spray painting installation is completed, the entire PVC enclosure is made.
It should be noted that the production and production standards for PVC enclosures should also comply with relevant safety regulations and environmental requirements. For example, the columns of the enclosure should be reinforced with galvanized steel pipes, which have sufficient strength and impact resistance; The inner cavity of the enclosure should be reinforced with galvanized steel pipes, which have sufficient strength and impact resistance; The upper and lower horizontal pipes of the enclosure should also be reinforced with galvanized steel pipes to ensure the overall strength and safety of the enclosure. In addition, the production standard should also specify the appearance requirements of the enclosure, such as specifications, dimensions, colors, and reflective markings, to ensure the overall aesthetics and safety of the enclosure.

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