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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2023-02-17

The reinforcement processing shed is the place for reinforcement straightening, bending and welding at the construction site. Let's see how to install the reinforcement processing shed.
1. Embedded parts (embedded parts are included in single-column steel shed, and expansion screws are used for double-column installation)
2. Connect the main beam with the column connector (do not tighten 14 screws), and install the diagonal brace on the upper diagonal brace (use 14 screws) in the reinforcement processing shed. Otherwise, the holes of the bracket are not aligned.
3. Install the connections (14 screws) between the main beam (140 I-beam and 50 square tube welded frame for single-column main beam, and 50 square tube welded frame for double-column main beam) and the column.
4. Use a forklift or crane to lift and install the columns with a spacing of 3 meters (single column and single column are 200 I-beams, and double columns are 100 square tubes). When installing the reinforcement processing shed, ensure that the waist line of the column is 3 meters in the middle. The square pipe column chassis is connected with the embedded parts through 20 * 180 expansion bolts, and H-shaped steel column.
5. Install the side member (50 square tube welded frame) with 10 on both sides × 12 screw, 10 in the middle × 18 Screw.
6. Install purlins, six 2.99m drilled tails at the bottom, and four 2.94m angle iron clips at the top of the reinforcement processing shed, and install them.
7. The color steel roof is set. The size of the color steel plate is 1.14 * 3.0m, and three color steel plates are placed on the left and right sides of the column every 3m in the middle. The color steel plate of the reinforcement processing shed is connected with the lower purlin through the drilling tail wire.
8. Install advertising cloth on all sides, and punch the side beam and main beam with drilling thread.
The construction specification of reinforcement processing shed is indispensable in daily construction. This kind of specification can give us reassurance and ensure the firmness of the building. Come to our website for more relevant content http://www.dajiajie.cn consulting service

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