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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2023-02-07

Cracks and collapses of temporary brick (wall) of temporary road enclosure are common, especially along the street and on the side of the sidewalk. The wall collapses and hurts pedestrians occasionally, and some people are injured. The main reasons for this phenomenon are as follows.
Some construction units think that the walls on the construction site are temporary and have temporary ideas, so they do not pay attention to the construction and do not construct according to the specification requirements; Secondly, in order to save materials, although the wall is built with clay, so after the completion of the project, the wall bricks will be removed for secondary use, but this practice will inevitably lead to low strength and poor stability of the wall itself; The third is to build beside the forest belt and green vegetation, and no preventive measures are taken during the construction process. Due to the frequent watering of the forest belt and green micro-spray, the wall foundation is constantly sinking, the wall skin is falling off, and the wall is inclined. The fourth is to pile up a large amount of soil on the side of the construction site enclosure, and pile up sand and gravel or other building materials, resulting in increased wall side pressure and wall collapse.
In view of the above problems, the enclosure construction manufacturer believes that in addition to the temporary construction concept, the enclosure wall at the construction site should take corresponding technical measures according to the different environmental geological conditions and the length of the project period. The following several better construction methods are for reference only.
1. When the wall is built on the original surface, the excavation depth of the foundation pit shall not be less than 400mm. The construction sequence is as follows: first build two layers of 500 wide brick foundation with M5 cement mortar, and then build a layer of 370 thick 240 wide solid brick masonry wall with 500 high, and then build the M1 clay masonry wall with M5 cement mortar.
2. When building the wall on the soft ground, the foundation excavation depth shall not be less than 500mm. The construction sequence is: when the bottom of the foundation trench is rammed with M5 cement mortar to build the four-layer brick wall, the foundation excavation shall not be less than 500mm.
3. When setting up the wall beside the forest belt and vegetation, the influence of forest belt watering and greening micro-spray should be considered first. The foundation depth should not be less than 600mm. The construction sequence is: first pour 500 wide and 200 mm thick C10 concrete M5 cement mortar to build a 240 solid wall with a height of 100 mm and M1 clay masonry wall. The side wall and wall edge close to the vegetation shall be paved with M5 waterproof mortar immediately.
4. When building walls, the spacing between bricks should be set according to the specifications, generally 3~3, 6 m; The empty bucket wall must be built according to "five buckets and one sleep" to ensure the overall stability of the wall. In addition, it should also be noted that soil, sand and stone or other building materials should not be piled near the brick wall.
What safety hazards should be paid attention to during the construction of temporary road enclosure? The above is the relevant answer to the question. Safety is the most important thing. I hope you can refer to the suggestions and come to our website for more matters http://www.dajiajie.cn Consult and understand!

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