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來(lái)源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-01-12

The engineering enclosure is a facility to isolate the construction site from the external environment and make the construction site a relatively closed and isolated space. The engineering enclosure manufacturer will explain more relevant information for you.
Setting and use of engineering enclosure
The conditions vary according to the construction site. The construction works must be completely closed. The main roads or people flow in the urban area shall not be less than 2.5 meters, and the rest shall not be less than 1.8 meters. Generally, semi-closed works are mostly seen in municipal works. The so-called semi-closed means that two or three sides are set up with fences, and one or two sides are open to facilitate the access of construction machinery and materials.
The specific setting shall be determined according to the bidding documents, drawings, site environment, and construction organization design under the premise of ensuring safety. For example, suppose that the municipal engineering is in the downtown area, a road maintenance project, half open traffic and half maintenance. At this time, it needs to be completely closed to ensure that no pedestrians will enter by mistake and cause danger.
Suppose that a new road is located in the suburbs, one end of which is connected with the old road, and the other end is a field, then it is only necessary to set up a single-sided fence and a door at the junction of the old road and the new road, and the other three sides can not be closed. Fully enclosed enclosure: the whole construction scope is enclosed with hard materials to form a fully enclosed enclosure and semi-enclosed enclosure: if there is one or more sides without enclosure, it is semi-enclosed.
The main structure is steel structure. In most cases, the square cage welded with angle steel is used as the main column. In some special sections, rectangular pipes and spherical mesh pieces are also used for connection. The size of foundation pouring is affected by the soil quality at the construction site and the size of wind. The panel part is mainly covered with galvanized sheet, and the other part is made of color steel plate. The height of the process enclosure is 2~8 meters. The picture and lighting facilities are generally negotiated with Party A. The more expensive the picture quality is, the longer the quality assurance period of the corresponding effect will be.
Precautions for construction of engineering enclosure
However, there are a few taboos in the actual production of engineering enclosure advertisements. The layout should not be too flat, and the overall color should be as bright as possible. The content should not be lengthy and empty. Then it should be clear at the level that there should be no confusion,
In the actual production process, the engineering fence is not always smooth. Sometimes it is covered by trees, and sometimes it is restricted by turning around the corner. So in order to better highlight the advertising effect of the engineering fence, we should make a fence suitable for our project according to local conditions.
The arrangement of the engineering enclosure advertisement should be determined according to the actual situation of the project publicity, and there should be a clear arrangement diagram, so that the construction personnel and developers can see clearly.
After the construction enclosure is installed, it is necessary to completely isolate the construction site from the outside, so that no irrelevant people can enter the construction area, so as to avoid danger in entering the construction area. After installing the construction enclosure, please arrange special personnel to patrol outside the installation of the hydraulic enclosure to maintain the order of road inconvenience caused by the installation of the enclosure. Come to our website for more matters http://www.dajiajie.cn consulting service

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