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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2022-12-22

The building color steel plate enclosure is easy to install and move, without fixing the foundation, and can change the construction site and scope at any time for easy handling. So what problems should be considered in the production of building color steel plate enclosure? Next, Jinan enclosure manufacturer will explain to you.
1、 From the perspective of building color steel plate enclosure production: from the perspective of enterprises, its direct concern is how much economic benefits can be brought to enterprises through the production of building color steel plate enclosure activities. Enclosure signs are made outside the real estate and construction site, and the real estate enclosure is attached with slogans. Making such walls or fences is called real estate enclosure. The building color steel plate enclosure not only beautifies the construction site, but also attracts the attention of pedestrians. Building color steel plate enclosure achieves the purpose of beautification and publicity.
2、 Remaking of electronic building color steel plate enclosure: The electronic version of the effect picture on the enclosure generally needs to be remade, and the effect picture produced by the design institute at the beginning is not suitable for publicity. The big difference between design renderings and publicity renderings is that they are mainly different. Architectural design mainly represents the facade of the building with little or no consideration of the atmosphere of the whole environment. It is difficult to highlight such purchases.
3、 What troubles will be encountered in the construction of building color steel plate enclosure: In the actual production process of building color steel plate enclosure, it is not necessarily smooth. Sometimes there are trees blocking it, and sometimes there are restrictions on corner turning. In order to highlight the visual effect of building color steel plate enclosure, we should make a suitable enclosure for our own project according to local conditions. The production of enclosure signs starts from the excavation of foundation pit. Before excavation of foundation pit, the above factors shall be considered thoroughly to select a better scheme.
4、 Whether there are many materials for building color steel plate enclosure: preparing materials, cutting angle steel, welding frame, assembling square cage, welding keel layout. The number of materials to be prepared depends on the actual situation of project publicity and layout.
5、 Installation of building color steel plate enclosure: pouring square cage, welding beam and installing plate surface. Before installation, there should be a clear arrangement diagram, so that constructors and manufacturers can see it clearly. The painting effect picture is collapsed on the frame, and the effect picture on the fence is for publicity. Some real estate commercial building design renderings can not meet the needs of publicity.
The fence on site shall be kept clean and tidy. In case of damage, pollution, dust accumulation, etc., the fence shall be repaired and cleaned by personnel in time. In case of severe weather conditions or other needs, reinforcement measures shall be taken for the enclosure to prevent collapse of the pre enclosure. More relevant content will come to our website http://www.dajiajie.cn Consult!

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