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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-10-06

The enclosure installed in the color steel enclosure project is the installation inspection work that should be carried out during the installation, for example, what matters? Now Jinan enclosure manufacturer will explain it to you!
Some sundries need to be transplanted to other places, so that the shell installed in the color steel enclosure works is stable and not easy to fall off after installation. During the installation of color steel enclosure works, it shall be kept parallel to the ground. Before the installation of the device, the flat and uneven ground shall be manually adjusted.
When installing the installation facilities of the color steel enclosure project, the construction site needs to be completely isolated from the outside world, mainly to prevent irrelevant personnel from entering the construction area.
After the installation of color steel enclosure works, please arrange personnel to inspect the surrounding environment of the installation of color steel enclosure works in due time to avoid the inconvenience caused by the installation of color steel enclosure works.
Later, it should be emphasized that it is prohibited to place some sundries near the color coated steel fence, so as not to affect the clean image of the whole city. The installation of color steel enclosure is a high-quality engineering product.
At present, the installation structure of color steel enclosure works is used for enclosure works in various parts of China during construction. The installation structure of color steel enclosure works is safe and reliable, which conforms to the requirements of building structure design specifications and has good safety performance.
The installation of color steel enclosure works can effectively prevent dust and noise at the construction site. If you need it in the project, you can come to our website at any time http://www.dajiajie.cn Ask about it!

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