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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-09-16

The construction fence often appears in the building area, which can block the barrier around the construction site and reduce the impact on the normal life of people in the city. The construction enclosure has good anti-corrosion and fire protection effects. Under normal circumstances, its rust prevention time can be up to 30 years. At the initial stage of installation, you may find that the construction fence made of high-temperature hot-dip galvanized materials has smooth surface and good anti-corrosion effect, but why do users still report that the construction fence is loose after a period of use? What is the reason? Now, the enclosure manufacturer in Jinan will explain it to you.
The construction fence is loose. Many people think that the quality of the guardrail is unqualified or the construction personnel's skills are not in place. In fact, both possibilities are great. The construction fence may be loose because the construction personnel did not fix the guardrail firmly, or the screws for fixing the guardrail were not tightened, so the looseness is normal. Secondly, the materials used in the installation of railings are not anti-corrosion. After a period of wind and sun exposure to the construction fence, some non rusting materials become rusty and loose, resulting in unstable railings.
There may be serious effects, but the damage caused by such external effects is rare. Of course, unqualified railing materials are also an important reason, because the heat of construction enclosures has been high in recent years, the quality of construction enclosures on the market is uneven, and the price level is also very different. Many businesses mix true and false when selling, and it is easy to buy low-quality railings. It is normal that they will become loose after a period of use.
After the construction of the construction enclosure, the connection between the plates shall be smooth, and the straight line shall be in a straight line; There shall be no gap between the plates, that is, the on-site construction cannot be seen outside the site. Red light or stable reflector shall be set along the enclosure for night warning.
What are the reasons for the looseness of the construction fence? The above content is the problem analysis. If you have any questions or want to know about it, please come to our website http://www.dajiajie.cn Take a look. Relevant personnel will analyze for you.

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