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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2022-09-07

Woodworking shed is a common facility on construction sites, which brings great convenience to construction projects. It is very important to correctly build a standardized processing shed. Next, we will learn more about the standard practices of the processing shed from the manufacturer. I hope the following contents can help you.
When the street side passage, the on-site passage, the passage to and from the building, the operation passage of the construction elevator and the ground feed inlet of the material elevator are within the falling radius or within the slewing range of the crane jib, the processing shed and the protective passage shall be set up to avoid the occurrence of biological strike accidents.
The protective passage and processing shed shall be erected with scaffold of building steel pipe fastener or other profile steel materials. It is forbidden to erect processing shed with bamboo and wood rods.
The top of the protection channel and processing shed shall be tightly paved with double-layer orthogonal bamboo string piece scaffold board or double-layer orthogonal 18 thick wood formwork for horizontal hard protection, as well as closed protective fence or baffle, which shall be able to withstand a uniform static load of 10KPA as a whole. The tower crane mainly passes through the protective passage within the falling curve of the line, transfer platform and unloading platform, and the top of the processing shed is tightly laid with double-layer orthogonal 50 thick wood plates.
Special technical schemes shall be formulated for particularly important or large protective passages, processing sheds and cantilevered protective facilities, which shall be implemented after being approved by the technical director of the enterprise.
The clearance height and width of the protection channel shall be determined according to the position of the channel and the requirements for the passage of people and vehicles. Generally, the height shall not be less than 3.5m and the width shall not be less than 3m. For buildings with a height of less than 15m, the length of inlet and outlet channels shall not be less than 3m; For buildings with a height of 15-30m, the length of the inlet and outlet channels shall not be less than 4m; for buildings with a height of more than 30m, the length of the inlet and outlet channels shall not be less than 5m.
The length of the passage is calculated from the outer row of the scaffold. The foundation of the upright pole shall be hardened, and the ground shall not sink during the service life of the passage. The upright pole shall be provided with a sweeping pole and cross bracing along the whole length of the passage direction. The longitudinal distance between the vertical poles of the conventional protection channel shall not exceed 1200mm, the overhanging size of the processing shed shall be 300-500mm, and the interval between the layers of the double-layer processing shed shall be 500-600mm.
The above content is about the standard practice of processing shed introduced by the manufacturer. If you don't understand this problem, you can refer to the content in the text or contact us http://www.dajiajie.cn , we can provide you with detailed answers and product services.

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