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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-08-05

In the construction site of some projects, the construction unit often needs to purchase construction fences to enclose the construction site. However, people have different understanding of the construction fence standards. So what kind of enclosure meets the project construction enclosure standard?
There is a problem with the material quality of the construction enclosure of the project. The major enclosure production enterprises must refuse to cut corners. If similar quality problems appear in the enclosure production process, they may be abandoned by people.
At present, the really high-quality enclosure is mainly made of steel, which has relatively high strength and will not easily break and damage when impacted by the outside world; At the same time, it has strong wind resistance and good stability.
In addition, the size requirements of the project construction fence, which is actually a major manifestation of the project construction fence standard. Generally speaking, the height of each fence is required to be 1.8 meters or more, and the width is about 3 meters. However, the width of the new fabricated paint baking steel structure fence a is 6.3 meters. After the purchase is successful, you can choose to splice and install it by yourself or invite professionals to install it.
Jinan fence has the above due standards. It is carefully selected in terms of material selection, and the quality of the built fence has great advantages. Moreover, the fence has been strictly controlled in terms of size details, and there will be no phenomenon of non-standard size. For professional fence manufacturers, it is natural to abide by the rules and standards required by the industry.
Jinan pengfa company provides fence customization, fence wholesale, fence delivery and installation services for many project construction engineering units. Come to our website for more details of enclosure specifications and prices http://www.dajiajie.cn Take a look.

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