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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-07-20

Site enclosure refers to the measures taken to isolate the construction site from the external environment, to improve the quality of construction and not affect the environment outside the construction site, to reduce noise pollution, and to make the construction site a relatively closed space. The following is the form of enclosure and selection skills explained for you, which is worth a visit!
Form of Jinan enclosure
Conventional construction site enclosure is a common and widely used form of construction site enclosure advertising. The height is generally no more than 6 meters, and there is no vertical height difference. It is usually conveyed visually through the creativity and color of the picture. This kind of enclosure has high requirements for advertising creators. For example, if the creative ability is weak, it may form chicken ribs. Only the shielding effect can not achieve the purpose of advertising.
The staggered enclosure is an extension of the conventional construction site enclosure, which is usually displayed in the form of high and low staggered. The staggered enclosure has no limit on the height difference. Generally, it can be designed reasonably according to the project positioning and customer group.
The special-shaped enclosure adopts innovative forms (including shape and process) to package the enclosure according to the project positioning. The special-shaped enclosure has a novel form, which is easy to attract the attention of the audience. However, when designing, advertising creators should know that no matter what form of expression, they should fully consider the process method, construction difficulty and cost, and should not blindly seek innovation and discard the basics.
Jinan fence selection skills:
It depends on the fence mesh. Usually, the mesh is welded by iron wires of different specifications. The thickness and tensile strength of the iron wire directly affect the overall quality of the mesh.
The welding or weaving technology of mesh. Generally, a good mesh is the connection of each welding point or weaving point, and there is no appearance such as false soldering. Generally, large manufacturers choose angle steel and round steel for the selection of enclosure frame, but the angle steel and round steel used in different parts should also be different.
The spraying technology of the whole enclosure is very important. Special attention should be paid to the uniformity of spraying, and the quality of paint is also crucial.
In addition, enclosure can be said to be an advertising form with packaging characteristics in the real estate industry. Good enclosure advertising can achieve the purpose of publicity and promoting project sales, so you should be careful in this regard, and pay more attention to our website http://www.dajiajie.cn Come on!

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