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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-06-28


In the city, if it is only a small part of the pavement engineering, the enclosure used is more complex. If the scope of the enclosure is relatively large, then the application quantity and application data of the enclosure are more exquisite. Among the numerous data types of the enclosure, the color steel enclosure is a kind of common enclosure data.
The color steel plate has more disadvantages than other materials in terms of device. In addition, the color steel plate enclosure is light in weight. For some temporary construction projects, the light weight data can save a lot of rest energy; This kind of color steel enclosure is sensitive and convenient to install. It has high strength. Some of it can even be used as ceiling enclosure structural plates to bear load, resist bending and compression. Usually, the house does not need beams and columns. In addition to the above advantages, the color steel enclosure also has a certain function of heat insulation. Its different surface color can play a very good decorative role.
Color steel is made by fully using the self strength of color steel sandwich panels and connecting the steel triangle support, color steel sandwich panels and upper and lower U-shaped buckle slots through pull nails, bolts and self tapping screws. It is easy to construct, all can be moved, has strong wind resistance, easy to disassemble and assemble, can be used repeatedly, standardized production and can be stored. It is especially suitable for the use of municipal construction enclosure and construction site enclosure. In the application of enclosure, Inner Mongolia steel structure color plate must hang and write eye-catching propaganda slogans reflecting the spirit of the enterprise and the face of the times on the construction site, surrounding walls, dormitory walls and other places where conditions permit.
Color steel plate is composed of base plate and black peritoneum or coating. We have to consider the thickness of base plate and peritoneum coating. A good color steel plate base plate is 0, 02~0, 05mm, and the coating thickness is often less than 0, 15mm. From the perspective of affecting the application time of color steel plate, the thickness of base plate is very important, and some manufacturers who consume color steel plate often do tricks on the base plate and color steel plate coating or coating, They reduce the thickness of the substrate, but add the thickness of the peritoneum to reduce the consumption cost of the color steel plate, which greatly reduces the service life of the color steel plate.
When I get a piece of color steel plate, I first check whether the exposed steel of color steel plate, such as the cross section, can be fine crystallized, gray, dark and impurities. If the section is fine crystallized, the quality is superior. Knock the color steel plate with your fingers or with a hard object. If the material of the color steel plate is poor, the sound is dull and the metal sound is not clear. The metal sound of the color steel plate with better material is relatively loud and clear.
Color steel fence manufacturers remind you that everything is worth every penny. When we compare the quality of color steel plates, the price is on the one hand, but don't pay too much attention to the price. If the price of a color steel plate is much lower than that of others, we should pay attention to it.
The above is the relevant content of the question answer. I hope it can help you. If you still have any questions about this problem, you are welcome to follow our website http://www.dajiajie.cn And consult our staff, will serve you wholeheartedly.

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