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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-05-25

The new color steel plate perfectly eliminates the defects of the traditional brick fence, and the price is moderate. It has become a substitute for the traditional brick fence material. The main characteristics of satisfaction are:
Beautiful color steel plate enclosure structure: streamlined appearance and soft colors complement the surrounding scenery, and integrate with modern urban space and natural environment, allowing you to travel freely. Comfort: look into the distance, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and provide you with a comfortable and safe way to travel. The color steel fence is also practical: the surface is treated by special process to form a protective film, which is smooth and flat, never rusted, easy to clean and needs no maintenance.
Weather resistance: This product has the characteristics of color steel plate, and the surface has been specially treated. It can be used safely in both air polluted cities and coastal areas corroded by sea salt. Color steel plate enclosure can be used as insulation board at both ends of streets, railways or highways, bridges, isolation protection of residential areas, protection and decoration of hotels, hotels, supermarkets, entertainment places, etc.
The construction site enclosure can effectively prevent the transmission of dust and noise, and is an indispensable safety protection means for the construction site. However, a single crossing fence will block the sight of passers-by, and pedestrians and vehicles will have appropriate risks when passing. In order to ensure the traffic safety at the intersection, 1.2m color steel plate is used for protection within 10m at both ends of the intersection to facilitate pedestrians and drivers to check the road conditions and improve construction safety.
In addition, if it is applied in the construction site, many matters should be paid attention to. For example, continuous and closed fences should be set around the construction site according to regulations; Multi storey and high-rise buildings shall also be provided with safety protection facilities. The wall height of main urban sections, urban landscape roads, airports, docks and station squares shall not be less than 2.5m, and that of other sections shall not be less than 1.8m. If conditions permit, conspicuous publicity slogans reflecting the enterprise spirit and the style of the times must be hung and written at the construction site, enclosure, dormitory wall, etc.
Keep the fence clean and beautiful. On the site of municipal engineering project, fences can be set up in sections according to the project progress, or unified continuous enclosure facilities can be used as required. The construction unit shall not stack construction materials, garbage and engineering residue outside the enclosure of the construction site. Within the approved temporary land occupation, building materials or mechanical equipment shall be stored, stacked and unloaded in strict accordance with the approved land occupation scope and nature of use, and a fence of more than 1m shall be set around the temporary site.
For on-site construction, color steel plate enclosure is undoubtedly your good choice. First, the price is affordable, second, it can be used again, and third, the service life is longer than that of PVC plate, which will not be scrapped due to wind and sun! For more information about products, you can follow our website www.dajiajie.cn Com!

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