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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-05-09

  The edge guardrail as a safety product in the construction industry has been more common, the role of the general guardrail in addition to the role of safety and beauty, there are many roles, are due to its strong performance.
  There are more places that need to be isolated, such as private places, traffic roads, public sports places, including schools, highways, fitness places, squares, residential areas and so on, which not only play the role of isolation, but also more solid and not easy to damage, and more beautiful.
  According to different materials, the edge guardrail is generally divided into zinc steel guardrail, galvanized guardrail, aluminum alloy guardrail, etc., which can be divided into construction guardrail, site fence, site fence, road fence, etc., and the surface color and shape can be customized.
  The height and width of the edge guardrail can be customized according to the actual situation, its style is generally not restricted, and it can make different shapes according to the needs of the user.
  The hardness and strength of the adjacent guardrail is very high, and it can adapt to most of the construction environment, and its construction is very strong. Whether it is hit with a hammer or broken with tools, it is difficult to change its shape. Even if the shape of the adjacent guardrail changes, the change is very small, and it is difficult to find with the naked eye.
  In addition, the edge guardrail uses special processing technology in the production process, so that it is not only strong and wear-resistant, but also can effectively prolong the service life, so as to better play a protective role.
  The advantages of the edge guardrail make it loved by the masses, and has been praised by users. Now, when people are installing guardrail, they will give priority to the adjacent guardrail, because it not only has protective function, but also can set off the beauty and sense of The Times of the family building.
  If you want to know more, please visit our website www.dajiajie.cn.

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