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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2021-10-15


Before the construction of our construction site, we must install construction protection fences. What are the standard requirements for the amount of construction fences? For the standard installation foundation of construction enclosure, the installation ground must be cement concrete ground, and enclosure shall not be installed on loose or soft soil ground. If the ground is soft soil ground, we should fix or install enclosure foundation cement block with concrete, and install enclosure columns on the cement block through expansion bolts. Each enclosure column can be equipped with 6 expansion bolts.
The standard advertisement of the construction enclosure shall be 3M long and 1m high, located in the center of each enclosure. The advertisement pattern shall be spray printed, and an advertisement frame shall be made of stainless steel around. The enclosure advertisement content shall reflect the enterprise spirit and urban development concept. The construction enclosure shall enclose the whole construction site during its service life, except for leaving a gate to allow the access of construction vehicles and construction personnel, No entrance or exit shall be left in the, the installation of the fence shall not block pedestrians and vehicles, and no materials shall be stacked around the installed fence.
For the management and maintenance of the construction enclosure, the general contractor is responsible for the setting and management of the enclosure on the construction site. If the construction site has not been constructed, the construction unit on the construction site shall be responsible for the enclosure management. The enclosure management shall do a good job in the maintenance and cleaning of the enclosure, and keep the enclosure clean without random posting, scribbling and depicting.

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