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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2024-04-25


Metal fences, as a common temporary protective facility, are widely used in construction sites, public places, and other places. Its main function is to isolate the site, protect the safety of workers and tourists, and also visually beautify the environment. However, different sites may have different requirements for the size and height of metal fences, so whether it is possible to customize the size of metal fences has become a topic of great concern.

1. 金屬圍擋的類型

1. Types of metal fences


Metal fences are mainly divided into iron sheet fences and welded mesh fences. Iron sheet fences are generally made of steel plates or aluminum alloy plates, suitable for use in construction sites, commercial activity venues, and other places that require real-time isolation; The welded mesh fence is made of hot-dip galvanized steel wire, which is suitable for large events, concerts, and other venues due to its strong permeability, light weight, and easy disassembly and assembly.


2. 金屬圍擋的尺寸

2. Dimensions of metal fence


The dimensions of metal fences include height, length, and thickness, and the size requirements for metal fences vary from site to site. Generally speaking, the height should be more than 2 meters, and the length can be designed according to the actual situation. The thickness of the metal fence needs to consider its firmness, mainly depending on the material and manufacturing process used.

3. 金屬圍擋的定制

3. Customization of metal fences


Whether the metal fence can be customized mainly depends on the needs of different users. For example, in some event venues, due to the requirements of visual effects, users may want the color, shape, and other aspects of the metal fence to be more personalized; At some high-rise construction sites, users may need to customize protective facilities specifically for high-altitude operations. In addition, in some open public places, users use metal fences to achieve temporary on-site fences rather than long-term use, and customization is also needed according to actual situations.


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