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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2024-02-13


1、 The role of temporary fences on construction sites


Safety protection: The setting of temporary fences can effectively isolate the construction site from the outside world, prevent non workers from entering the construction site, and reduce the occurrence of safety accidents. At the same time, fences can effectively prevent the accidental scattering of building materials, tools, etc., and avoid causing harm to pedestrians and vehicles.


Environmental protection: Temporary fences can prevent dust, noise, and other pollutants from polluting the surrounding environment during construction, reducing the impact of construction on surrounding residents and enterprises.


Image display: The temporary fence on the construction site is also a window for showcasing the corporate image. A neat and beautiful fence can enhance a company's image, enhance its brand image and market competitiveness.


Guidance and Warning: The warning signs and guidance information on temporary fences can remind pedestrians and vehicles to pay attention to safety and avoid accidents. At the same time, fences can also guide construction personnel and improve construction efficiency.



2、 The Importance of Temporary Fencing


Ensuring construction safety: Safety is always the primary consideration during the construction process. The setting of temporary fences can effectively ensure the safety of construction personnel and reduce the occurrence of accidents. At the same time, it serves as a warning to pedestrians and vehicles outside to prevent accidental collisions and injuries.


Maintaining public order: By setting up temporary fences, the construction site can be more standardized and orderly, avoiding the random stacking of building materials and equipment, and reducing the impact of the construction site on surrounding traffic.


Enhancing corporate image: A clean and beautiful construction site can not only enhance a company's image, but also enhance its sense of social responsibility. As a part of the construction site, the design, maintenance, and cleaning of temporary fences reflect the image and management level of the enterprise.


Promoting civilized construction: The installation of temporary fences helps to promote civilized construction and promote the healthy development of the construction industry. By strengthening the management and supervision of construction sites, enterprises can better implement the requirements of civilized construction, improve the safety, environmental protection, and aesthetics of construction sites.

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