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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2023-12-13


Ping Fence refers to a type of railing and wall constructed with specific materials to protect the lawn from unintentional damage by people, vehicles, etc. It is an indispensable facility in modern cities, parks, and other green open areas. Cooperative lawn guardrails refer to the cooperation between different communities, schools, parks, and other units, based on planning, integrating means in geographical locations, and jointly constructing lawn guardrails to better protect the green facilities in the area. Today, we will discuss the topic of cooperative lawn guardrails from two aspects: working principle and function.


1、 Working principle


The cooperative lawn guardrail integrates resources from different units and individuals into a whole, using lawn guardrails as a "medium" and utilizing advanced construction techniques



Protecting public green facilities such as lawns through construction techniques, technology, and materials. Lawn guardrails are mainly made of traditional pipes, steel, and iron, but there are also some materials that use new technologies, such as fiberglass, PVC, and other artificial materials, to ensure their durability, plasticity, aesthetics, and environmental friendliness.


During the construction process, cooperating units can collaborate through division of labor and utilize their strengths to complement each other, making the construction process smoother and reducing construction costs. In maintenance, different units can also share the work of inspection, maintenance, greening, etc., to keep the entire area in a beautiful environment.


2、 Function


The role of cooperative lawn guardrails is multifaceted. The first is to protect public green facilities such as lawns from unintentional damage, which is the basic function. Next is to beautify and green the environment, through beautification projects such as guardrails, flower beds, sculptures, etc., to make the area more exquisite and beautiful. In addition, lawn guardrails can also serve as isolation and guide traffic, providing people with a better travel and leisure environment.


In summary, the working principle of cooperative lawn guardrails is to integrate and collaborate resources from different units and individuals, using lawn guardrails as a medium, and utilizing advanced construction techniques, technology, and materials to protect public green facilities such as lawns. Its main function is to protect, beautify, and enhance the leisure and travel environment of the region. Let us actively support the construction of this new type of green public facilities, creating a beautiful living environment for more people.

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