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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2023-11-24


Construction site enclosure refers to a type of building material used to enclose an ongoing construction site and ensure safety. During the construction process, the construction site fence plays a role in safety isolation, and can also prevent noise, dust, and falling objects from polluting and affecting the surrounding environment during the construction process. Therefore, it is crucial to establish reasonable standardized specifications, dimensions, heights, classification purposes, and materials for the use of construction site fences.


Standardized specification size height



According to the standard, the length of the construction site fence should be 3-4 meters and the height should be 2.0-2.5 meters. This height can effectively isolate the view of the construction site and avoid affecting the normal life of surrounding residents. At the same time, this also ensures that management personnel can clearly see the situation of the construction site during site inspections, ensuring the safety of work.

2. 分類用途

2. Classification purposes


According to the different usage requirements of the construction site fence, it can be divided into three types: general fence, warning fence, and isolation fence. Universal fences are suitable for safety control applications such as construction, exhibitions, sports events, etc. Warning fences are mainly used to indicate the occupation of dangerous areas such as roads and construction sites, to avoid vehicles and pedestrians entering the dangerous area by mistake. The isolation fence is mainly used to isolate hazardous work areas and ensure the safety of the construction site.

3. 材質

3. Material


The materials used for construction site fences are generally metal or aluminum products, which have the characteristics of high strength, good wind resistance, and reusability. At the same time, they can be quickly disassembled and assembled, making it convenient for construction personnel to build. In addition, for construction sites with high environmental requirements, earthquake resistant and environmentally friendly materials such as PP sheets can also be used.

4. 安裝施工

4. Installation and construction


The installation and construction of the construction site fence requires requirements such as verticality, flatness, and stability to ensure the stability and safety of the fence. Therefore, professional construction personnel are required for installation and construction, and operations must be carried out in accordance with relevant standards and specifications. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the safety protection of the construction site fence to prevent pedestrians or vehicles from entering the construction site by mistake and causing safety accidents.


With the summary above from the manufacturer of color steel fence, we hope it can be helpful to our customers. If you have any questions or need help, please click on our website: http://www.dajiajie.cn Or call to inquire, we will do our best to solve it for you

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