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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2023-11-07


The enclosure setting plan should include project overview, enclosure color rendering, enclosure layout plan, enclosure construction plan, enclosure lighting plan, and other contents. Among them, the lighting scheme for the enclosure includes lighting methods and lighting layout drawings; The enclosure construction plan includes the form, size, material, color, and structural form of the enclosure and gate building. Landscape enclosures should also submit promotional content.
Article 12: As a condition for the project legal entity to apply for a construction permit, the enclosure installation plan shall be reviewed by the Municipal Construction Commission in accordance with the law, and the enclosure construction situation shall be inspected and accepted before the construction permit can be obtained.
Article 13: The fence setting unit shall be responsible for the safety of the fence setting, maintain the integrity and cleanliness of the fence, and carry out the following daily maintenance work:
(1) If the enclosure is incomplete, damaged, or tilted, it should be repaired or replaced in a timely manner;
(2) If the enclosure is stained or faded, it should be cleaned and decorated in a timely manner;
(3) If there are missing words or strokes on the surface of the fence, it should be corrected in a timely manner;
(4) If the lighting display of the enclosure lighting facilities is incomplete, it should be repaired in a timely manner
Construction fence: How far is the construction fence from the edge protection in accordance with the specifications
There is no national standard for this, but many cities have local management standards, usually formulated by the local construction bureau and urban management bureau. The construction fence is not related to the height of the building. Taking a city in central southern China as an example, it is required that all construction sites be fenced, even if it is just digging a pit to repair a rainwater well. Fencing along major roads not less than 2.5m
Regarding the installation standard of PVC enclosure, the inspection and evaluation of civilized construction assurance projects should comply with the following regulations:
1. Construction fence beautification treatment: The fence along the construction line should be beautified and painted with the name, safety, quality, and civilized construction language of the heating enterprise. It is strictly prohibited to post or write garbage advertisements.
2. The installation and coordination of construction fences must be carried out before the construction of this section of the project, based on the progress of the project, with the half width of the road surface as the benchmark. The placement of fences should be neat and stable, with the principle of not obstructing road traffic and pedestrian passage. Except for entrances and exits, they must be continuously closed to ensure the isolation of the construction site from the outside world. Traffic guidance signs should be prepared before fences, and specialized personnel should be assigned to maintain traffic order during construction. It is not allowed to stack excess soil, construction materials, and other debris near the enclosure area, and ensure that the area is clean and tidy.

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