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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2023-04-10


Edge guardrail is a safety device used to protect people from falling from high places. It is usually installed in high-rise buildings, bridges, highways, railways, and other high-altitude places. The main function of edge guardrails is to prevent people from falling from high places, thereby protecting their life safety.
The design and materials of edge guardrails are very important. It must be sturdy enough to withstand people's weight and impact. At the same time, it must also be high enough to prevent people from jumping off it. The materials used for edge guardrails are usually steel, aluminum, glass, or concrete. These materials have high strength and durability, and can be used in various environments.
The installation of edge guardrails is also very important. It must be installed correctly at high altitudes to ensure that it can withstand people's weight and impact. During the installation of edge guardrails, strict safety standards and procedures must be followed to ensure the safety of workers.
The function of edge guardrails is not only to protect people's safety, but also to improve the aesthetics of buildings. The modern edge guardrail design is very exquisite and can match the appearance of the building, thereby improving the overall aesthetics of the building.
In short, edge guardrails are a very important safety facility that can protect people from the risk of falling from heights. Its design and installation must comply with strict standards and procedures to ensure its effectiveness and safety. In the future, we can look forward to more advanced and innovative edge guardrail designs to meet constantly changing safety needs.

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