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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2023-03-15


The concept goes first. The so-called construction site enclosure refers to the temporary facilities and barriers used to close the construction site. On the one hand, the enclosure is to separate the construction site and the sales site to reduce the adverse impact of on-site construction on the outside world; On the other hand, it can create its own image for the project and assist the project publicity through advertising images and copywriting.
The site enclosure can be said to be an advertising form with the characteristics of real estate industry packaging. A good enclosure advertisement can achieve the purpose of publicity and promotion of project sales, while an improperly designed enclosure advertisement will damage the project image.
The site enclosure can be said to be an advertising form with the characteristics of real estate industry packaging. A good enclosure advertisement can achieve the purpose of publicity and promotion of project sales, while an improperly designed enclosure advertisement will damage the project image.
The following are common forms of enclosure:
1. Regular site activity enclosure
Conventional site fence is a common and widely used form of site fence advertising. The height is generally not more than 6 meters, and there is no vertical height difference. It is usually conveyed visually through the creativity and color of the picture. Such barricades have high requirements for advertising creators, such as weak creative ability, which may form chicken ribs, and can not achieve the purpose of advertising only by shielding.
According to the different materials used, it can also be subdivided into other items:
1) PVC圍擋:
1) PVC enclosure:
The wall panel is spliced with PVC strip. The columns and horizontal pipes are made of PVC material, and the inside is lined with square pipes. The bottom plate of the column is steel plate, and slant support is added to bear the force.
2) A類烤漆鋼圍擋
2) Class A painted steel enclosure
The cross beam is flat, the column is square steel, the wall panel is composed of two painted wall panels, and the middle concealed column is connected. Generally, this type of enclosure is adopted, and slant support is not added to the back.
3) B類烤漆鋼圍擋
3) Class B painted steel enclosure
Compared with Class A, Class B consists of a single painted wall panel, so there is no vertical square passage in the structure.
4) C類鍍鋅板
4) Class C galvanized sheet
The structure is similar to the first two, but the material of the wall panel is galvanized sheet.
2. Staggered movable fence
The staggered enclosure is an extension of the conventional site enclosure, which is usually displayed in the form of staggered height. The staggered enclosure has no limit on the height difference. Generally, it can be reasonably designed according to the project location and customer group, which will produce staggered changes in the vision.
3. Irregular movable enclosure
According to the project positioning, the special-shaped enclosure is packaged in innovative forms (including shape and technology). The special-shaped enclosure is novel and easy to attract the attention of the audience. However, when designing, advertising creators should know that no matter what form of expression, the content is always the first. At the same time, they should fully consider the process, construction difficulty and cost, and should not blindly pursue the new, discard the original and pursue the last.
In addition to some extremely expensive walls, the construction site enclosure of most buildings will eventually be removed. Some people will say that the quality of the enclosure is not directly related to the quality of the delivery of the community.
With the above summary of the fence manufacturer, I hope it can help our customers. If you have any questions or need help, please click our website http://www.dajiajie.cn Or call to inquire, we will do our best for you

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