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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2023-02-25

Site construction enclosure refers to the measures to isolate the construction site from the external environment, so that the construction site can form a relatively closed space, including the use of various masonry materials to build the enclosure, and the use of various forms of metal sheets for maintenance.
The construction enclosure at the construction site shall be provided with continuous and closed fences as required, and safety protection facilities shall be provided for the construction of multi-storey and high-rise buildings. The fence height shall be set at the main sections of the urban main fence. The fence height of landscape roads, airports, docks and station squares shall not be less than 2.5m, and the fence height of other sections shall not be less than 1.8m.
In the actual production process, the construction enclosure on the construction site is not always installed smoothly. Sometimes there are trees and sometimes there are corner restrictions. So we can better highlight the advertising effect of the construction enclosure on the construction site. It is necessary to make a suitable construction enclosure according to local conditions.
The materials used for the construction enclosure at the construction site shall ensure that the enclosure is stable, clean and beautiful. The construction site of municipal engineering projects can be fenced in stages according to the project progress, or unified continuous fencing facilities can be used according to the regulations.
The height of enclosure has different height and material requirements according to different construction sites. Today, let's first understand the height. Common construction enclosure scenarios include important urban sections, airports, docks, stations, and epidemic prevention areas. The height is usually between 1.8 meters and 2.5 meters.
The construction unit shall not stack construction materials, garbage and engineering residues outside the enclosure. In the approved temporary occupation area, construction materials or mechanical equipment shall be strictly stored, stacked and unloaded according to the approved occupation area and use nature. A fence more than 1 meter shall be set around the temporary area.
The height requirement of the enclosure is also related to the height of the building during the construction of the building. The conventional enclosure construction also needs to be set along the periphery of the construction site. The following requirements must be guaranteed: no gap, tight and stable. Come to our website for more matters http://www.dajiajie.cn consulting service

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