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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2023-01-06

Enclosure refers to the measures taken to isolate the construction site from the external environment and make the construction site a relatively closed space. There are many types of enclosures: PVC enclosure, color steel plate enclosure, green plant enclosure, construction site enclosure, etc. Different types of enclosures are applicable to different occasions and functions. Take PVC enclosure as a brief description:
PVC enclosure is made of specially processed PVC, which has weather resistance and can resist various harsh weather. When it rains and is infected by mud, just wipe it gently with water to restore the luster of the past.
PVC enclosure adopts frame structure, and light steel material reduces self weight. The key stress points of PVC enclosure core are composed of column, diagonal tie rod and cross brace reinforcement. The triple stress protection fully improves the anti overturning stability of the enclosure.
PVC enclosure has beautiful appearance, smooth surface with texture, bright color, and is not easy to age, fade, and become brittle;
Besides, the enclosure has high strength and good toughness, which can resist level 6 wind pressure and is not easy to be damaged by external forces; It is cheap, easy to install, and can be reused for many times, effectively saving costs; There are many kinds of colors, such as blue, white and gray, for you to choose from.
After the fence construction is completed, the connection between fence plates shall be stable, the straight line shall be in a straight line, and there shall be no gap between the plates, that is, the construction in the site cannot be seen outside the site. Red lights or partitions shall be set along the fence, and a safety reflector shall be used for night warning.
When purchasing PVC enclosures, we should not only look at the surface and price, but also the quality and strength. At present, the fierce competition in the market makes some small manufacturers unscrupulous, kill the goose that lays the golden egg, and adulterate a large number of plastic products. The price of raw materials is high, so they add a large number of recycled materials, stone powder, anti catalyst that should be added, anti ultraviolet, anti acid and alkaline raw materials are also exempted, causing damage to customers' market use, customer brands, and even urban civilization construction. It is recommended that you select manufacturers with quality or strength with multiple engineering cases! More relevant content will come to our website http://www.dajiajie.cn Consult!

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