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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2022-12-20

PVC enclosure is one of the commonly used enclosures on the daily construction site. However, PVC enclosure is not installed and placed on the construction site randomly, but has many regulations and precautions. Do you know why more and more construction teams choose PVC enclosure? Next, Jinan enclosure manufacturer will explain to you.
(1) The PVC enclosure has a beautiful and atmospheric appearance, which is not easy to fade and become brittle;
(2) The PVC enclosure has high strength and can resist level 6 wind pressure, which is not easy to be damaged by external forces;
(3) PVC enclosure products are easy to assemble and disassemble. Generally, a group of three people can assemble more than 100 meters a day;
(4) PVC enclosure has low price, fast installation and can be reused for many times, effectively saving costs;
(5) It can be combined with thermal insulation materials, with good thermal insulation and sound insulation effects, convenient installation, fast construction speed, and protection of the environment from pollution;
(6) PVC enclosure can not only be assembled by sections in the form of protruding column frame, but also can be assembled in the form of hidden column with unlimited length.
In addition, after the completion of the fence construction, the connection between the fence plate and the plate should be stable, the straight line should be in a straight line, and there should be no gap between the plate and the plate, that is, the on-site construction can not be seen outside the site. Red lights or partitions should be set along the fence, and a safety reflector should be used for night warning.
The height requirements of PVC fences for construction sites in different sections are also different. The construction sites in main urban sections shall be provided with PVC fences with a height of not less than 2.5m, while the construction sites in general sections only need to be provided with PVC fences with a height of not less than 1.8m. The fence can be beautified and painted with the name of the enterprise, civilized and safe language and commercial advertisements of the development project. It is strictly prohibited to submit articles and paint garbage advertisements.
The manufacturer reminds you that when purchasing PVC enclosures, you should not only look at the surface and the price, but also the quality and strength. In short, it is recommended that you choose quality or strength with multiple engineering cases to shield manufacturers! More questions or needs about fencing come to us http://www.dajiajie.cn Get in touch!

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