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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-12-09

Fences can be set in sections according to the progress of the construction site, or unified continuous guardrail facilities can be used as required. Next, Jinan enclosure manufacturer will talk about the standard information of on-site enclosure construction scheme.
Continuous and closed PVC construction fence shall be set around the construction site as required. The height of the fence set in the main urban road sections, urban landscape roads, airports, docks, and station squares shall not be less than 2.5m, and the height of the fence set in other road sections shall not be less than 1.8m.
Within the approved temporary occupied area, the construction materials or machines, tools and equipment shall be stored and dumped strictly according to the approved occupied area and use nature, and a fence higher than 1m shall be set around the temporary occupied area.
During working hours, first measure the ground elevation difference at the location of the fence line, and segment the fence foundation elevation according to the elevation difference. The verticality and straightness of the column shall be ensured. The datum line shall be set out in advance by theodolite according to the drawings, and the column points shall be marked with a ruler.
During construction, every four or several control columns shall be constructed according to the situation, and their elevation and line position shall be checked. After there is no error, lift the middle column for construction. Use steps to adjust the height difference caused by the ground.
The selection of enclosure structure on the construction site shall be determined according to the needs of the site. PVC enclosure or foam enclosure can be installed on the other side not close to the road. These enclosure structures are relatively popular enclosure forms at present, which are fast to install and can be reused, and are more consistent with the environmental protection strategy of modern cities.
The above contents refer to the manufacturer's introduction to the construction standards and construction related contents of guardrail enclosure. If there is anything you don't understand, you can continue to follow our website http://www.dajiajie.cn Or contact us, we will serve you wholeheartedly.

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