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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-09-23

Color steel fence often appears in the place of building construction. It can reduce the impact on the normal life of people in the city by shielding the construction site around it. The color steel enclosure is made of blue light sandwich color steel plate with a thickness of 0.3mm and a height of 2m. Do you know how to set the top and bottom of color steel enclosure? Next, Jinan enclosure manufacturer will analyze for you.
The top and bottom of the color steel enclosure are respectively provided with 10cm high steel trough coping and steel trough bottom bracket. A steel column anchored to the ground is set every 2.9m, and the lower base of the column is 50cm × 50cm × For the 50cm C25 concrete foundation, the four corners of the steel column base plate are connected and fixed with the concrete foundation by expansion bolts, which can not only reduce the land occupation, but also ensure that the color steel enclosure is quiet, neat and beautiful.
Color steel enclosure and color steel enclosure wall use advertising cloth as decorative material, and the advertising cloth reflects the corporate culture or safety production slogans. Color steel enclosure slogans mainly include: project title, titles of all participating units, complaint telephone announcement, safe and civilized construction language, corporate culture language, etc. The advertising cloth is white on a blue background.
The advantage of color steel enclosure is also obvious. It is light in weight. For some temporary construction projects, light in weight data can save a lot of rest energy. The installation of color steel enclosure is flexible and convenient. It has high strength. Some can even be used as ceiling enclosure structural plates to bear weight and resist bending and compression. Generally, the house does not need beams and columns.
The color steel enclosure has a certain thermal insulation function, and its surface color can play a very good decorative role. The color steel enclosure is formed by fully applying the self strength of the color steel sandwich panel, connecting the steel triangle bracket, color steel sandwich panel and the upper and lower U-shaped groove through the pull screws, bolts and self tapping screws.
The color steel enclosure is convenient for construction, movable for all, strong wind resistance, convenient for disassembly and assembly, reusable for repeated use, standardized production and inventory, and suitable for construction enclosure and construction site enclosure. If you have any needs or questions you don't understand, please come to our website http://www.dajiajie.cn Consult!

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