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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2022-09-05

Woodworking sheds are generally used as temporary construction material sheds for field operations such as roads, railways, buildings and municipal services; It is also used in the car shed, warehouse and steel bar shed of enterprises and institutions. Next, let's talk about the self inspection precautions during the construction of the woodworking shed.
1、 There are a large number of earthwork transport vehicles during the construction period. In order to increase the rate, a vehicle U-turn is set up in the construction site in combination with the actual situation.
2、 The sidewalk is cleaned every day.
3、 The on-site traffic shall be in the charge of a specially assigned person. In case of any violation, it shall be stopped in time and fined if necessary.
4、 During construction, materials and machinery shall not be stacked on the construction access road, and the road shall be kept open for 24 hours.
5、 The surrounding environment of the enclosure shall be clean and the construction access road shall be leveled, and maintenance shall be carried out frequently to ensure the stability of passing vehicles.
6、 Manage the issuance of construction vehicles, and organize drivers to get familiar with the site and driving route before construction.
7、 Entrance and exit gates and roads are provided. Set up stable indication signs at intersections, set up lighting facilities and hang red lights at night, and prohibit foreign vehicles from entering and leaving.
The simple woodworking processing shed is a shed composed of light steel structure as the framework, color steel profiled tile as the roof plate, and welding, bolts and self tapping screws. It can be used in industrial production and turnover, realizing the construction concept of saving and high-speed steel structure greenhouse. For the wood processing shed on the construction site, it shall be identified.
Materials that are afraid of moisture, rain and sun shall be covered, and volatile small items and valuables shall be stored in the warehouse. The construction machinery used on site shall be kept clean, marked and numbered clearly, and the device shall be stabilized. The inside and outside of the machine shed shall be clean and tidy, with good vision and convenient operation. Drainage measures shall be taken around the mixer, which shall be clean and tidy.
The operation level personnel shall be responsible for cleaning the operation area, and the special cleaning personnel shall be responsible for cleaning the non construction area. The personnel of the technical monitoring department shall inspect every day and make records. For more precautions, please visit our website http://www.dajiajie.cn Consult!

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