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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-08-16

PVC fences can be seen everywhere in our life, but do you know what high-quality fences are? What is inferior enclosure? Today, the Jinan fence editor will introduce some knowledge about the quality of fences. Let's have a look!
1. Function: PVC fence is responsible for maintaining traffic order. In case of traffic accident, it needs to use its own deformation or height to avoid driving and reduce secondary injury.
2. Less land occupation: PVC fences are generally installed on both sides or in the middle of the road. Therefore, PVC fences on the road need to occupy less area, so as not to affect the traffic of vehicles and pedestrians.
3. Simple maintenance: there are many types of PVC fences, and their maintenance costs are relatively high, and it is difficult to install them on the road. Therefore, when the fences need to be designed, the maintenance needs to be simple and fast, and the fences can be maintained in a short time.
4. Beautiful appearance and harmony: as a part of the urban landscape, PVC fences need to have certain aesthetic requirements. On the premise of giving play to its own role, PVC fences should be helpful to the harmonious coexistence of urban civilization.
5. The existing traffic configuration needs to be used in conjunction with the PVC fence. When using the PVC fence, the local traffic management level and actual traffic settings need to be considered. The monitoring and communication need to be interactive.
When purchasing PVC fences, not only their own quality should be considered, but also the aesthetics of PVC fences should be guaranteed on the premise of realizing their functions. The PVC fence is a high-quality PVC fence only when it is used with other settings to display functions.
In order to maintain the PVC fence, it is also necessary to regularly check the PVC fence. If the PVC fence is found to be damaged, it is necessary to replace the PVC fence in time to avoid some unnecessary hidden dangers.
When maintaining the PVC fence, in addition to the cleaning work, attention should also be paid to its details, and then attention should be paid to keeping the PVC fence dry so as to maintain the PVC fence well.
It is recommended to spend several months to paint and maintain the fence at a certain time of the year. However, it should be noted that during painting, attention should also be paid to drying it. If it is not dried in time, the PVC enclosure is also prone to corrosion.
The above is what the editor shared today. How much do you know about PVC fences? The above can give you relevant answers. You can follow our website http://www.dajiajie.cn Consult to learn more.

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