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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-08-08

The reinforcement processing shed is a large shed composed of light steel structure as the skeleton, color steel profiled tiles as the roof plate, and welded, bolted and self tapping screws. It is mainly used for reinforcement operation. Next, we will talk about the cognition of the use of the reinforcement processing shed.
The reinforcement processing shed is made of universal standard steel, with double-layer anti smashing structure, stable and reliable, standardized design, fully assembled, quick assembly, simple disassembly and convenient transportation. With the development of market economy, construction enterprises are facing fierce market competition. How to build a stable and beautiful civilized construction site is a problem that every construction site needs to face. The reinforcement processing shed on the construction site is an important part of the construction stability management.
The reinforcement processing shed generally needs to arrange the quantity and processing line of reinforcement butt welding machine, cutting machine, bending machine, straightening machine and other equipment according to the construction plan; In addition, it is also necessary to consider the turnover and stacking of some reinforcement raw materials and processed reinforcement; The site construction site, electricity and other conditions; Therefore, the general span of the reinforcement processing shed is 12 ~ 18m, and the length is greater than 30m as much as possible.
There are several points to pay attention to when setting up the standardized reinforcement processing shed: compared with what we have seen, there are many thin protective sheds on the construction site of some urban construction sites. These protective sheds are like a tent, which is a stable protection device for workers on the construction site. For us, how to construct and stabilize the construction site is our main goal.
It can be industrialized and reused, realizing the construction concept of saving and high speed of steel structure greenhouse. The carpentry processing shed on the construction site shall be identified. The materials that are afraid of moisture and rain and sun shall be covered. The small and vulnerable articles and valuables shall be stored in the warehouse. The construction machinery used on the site shall be kept clean, marked and numbered clearly and stable.
The inside and outside of the machine shed shall be clean and tidy, with good sight and convenient operation. Drainage measures shall be taken around the mixer to keep it clean and tidy. The operation personnel shall be responsible for cleaning the operation area, and the special cleaning personnel shall be responsible for cleaning the non construction areas. The personnel of the technical monitoring department shall inspect the areas and assign responsibilities to each person every day and make records.
Organize relevant personnel to carry out inspection and acceptance according to self inspection. Inspection and acceptance shall be the combination of general inspection and sampling inspection. Notify the team to handle the problems found in the inspection in a timely manner. After passing the test, our project manager and relevant personnel shall sign the acceptance sheet of prefabricated houses for final acceptance. After the acceptance, the acceptance results shall be recorded in detail.
In addition, operators of such reinforcement works will be strictly screened. At first, reinforcement processors need to undergo systematic training and have relevant certificates before they can take up their posts. Machines for cutting and processing reinforcement need to be grounded and insulated. For more information about rebar processing shed, please come to our website http://www.dajiajie.cn Let's see.

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