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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-05-31

Construction enclosure billboard installation
The content design of the construction enclosure publicity picture and its impact on the enclosure are generally based on the publicity language of the building and some publicity of the enterprise. If necessary, some process publicity can be added to improve the audience level of publicity.
The construction of enclosure and the production of surrounding billboards are started from the excavation of foundation pit. The foundation pit excavation must be carried out according to the red line, determined by Party A, supervised construction and technical disclosure. The size of the pit must be strictly followed. The graphic structure ensures the wind resistance and firmness of the enclosure billboard.
According to the calculation and optimization of the drawing, the blanking and welding of the surrounding square cage and the surrounding baffle surface will be constructed by the project department and the new process to ensure the welding quality.
For the installation of construction fence billboards, the welding between beams and columns must be ensured to be horizontal and flat in front and back. The plate surface installation needs to be super flat. The terrain should be flexibly controlled according to the overall situation. The above production process requirements can be produced. Beautiful and magnificent fence billboard.
Screening method for construction enclosure manufacturers
At present, in fact, there are not so many construction fence manufacturers whose products are guaranteed. Therefore, when selecting a construction fence manufacturer, it is necessary to go through layers of screening. Only when a reliable construction fence manufacturer is found can we obtain high-quality production and good service.
If you want to select a reliable construction enclosure manufacturer, what you need to do is to obtain the information of each manufacturer, so that you can obtain high-quality resources, collect the quotations and data of manufacturers in various regions, contact their business personnel, and even visit the factory.
It is far from enough for manufacturers to screen only through online information, because these online information is likely to be false. Therefore, when selecting construction enclosure manufacturers, you must conduct on-the-spot investigation. Through on-the-spot investigation, you can know what raw materials and processes these construction enclosure manufacturers use in the production process.
At the same time, you should also look at the product types of construction fence manufacturers. If the product types are complete, their strength can also be reflected from the side. Of course, you should also look at their factory scale. Through these, you can accurately judge whether a construction fence manufacturer is reliable.
This is the content of the construction fence billboard installation and manufacturer screening method. You can follow our website www.jnpfjc Com for more and more detailed product information, so that the later purchase and use will not make mistakes.

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