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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-05-22

Edge guardrails are usually installed on both sides of the logistics channel, around the production equipment, corners of buildings, both sides of doors and the edge of the cargo platform, so as to effectively reduce the damage to equipment and facilities caused by accidental impact when transporting equipment back and forth. In addition, it also protects the logistics handling equipment itself.
When the edge guard is used on the construction site, it needs to be connected with the column, but many people don't know the connection method. Many people don't know how to connect the edge guard with the column?
Because the installation method is incorrect and the installation is not firm, the guardrail can not play an effect. So now let me talk about the installation method of guardrail. In fact, the connection between the guardrail and the column is particularly simple and easy to operate. During installation, only the side ear of the guardrail and the side ear of the column need to coincide, and then screw in the hole of the side ear for installation and fixation.
The construction edge shall be provided with protective railings as required; When the excavation depth exceeds 2.0m, a dense mesh safety net must be added on the basis of railing protection. The protective railing shall be composed of upper and lower cross bars and edge guardrails. Generally, the height of the upper pole from the ground is 1.0 ~ 1.2m; The height of the lower rod from the ground is 0.5 ~ 0.6m; The distance between vertical poles should not be greater than 2.0m.
The distance between the edge guardrail and the edge opening shall not be less than 0,5m, and the steel pipe can be directly driven into the ground 0.5 ~ 0.7m deep. When sheet piles are used around or reinforced concrete crown beams (coping) are provided at the upper opening, the steel pipe of the edge guardrail can be driven outside the sheet piles or crown beams (coping).
For the fixing of edge guardrail and its connection with upper and lower cross bars, its overall structure and strength shall withstand 1000N external force; If vehicles or objects may collide, measures such as increasing the cross-section of the cross bar or densifying the spacing and embedding depth of the edge guardrail shall be taken.
The column of the edge guardrail is fixed on the ground through expansion bolts. If you have more information, please visit www.dajiajie.cn Com share!

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