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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-05-16

In order to ensure the correct installation of the enclosure structure of the construction project, relevant installation matters must be observed, so as to avoid problems affecting the progress and quality of construction during use. Let's talk about the relevant contents.
The layout and installation of enclosure structure in construction engineering is the top priority of the project, which varies according to the construction site and conditions. Construction projects must be completely closed. Urban trunk roads or roads with large traffic volume shall not be less than 2.5m, and the rest shall not be less than 1.8m. Generally speaking, semi enclosed is common in municipal engineering. The so-called half wall refers to the setting of walls on both sides or three sides. Open to facilitate the access of construction equipment and materials. The specific setting shall be determined according to the bidding documents, drawings, site environment and construction organization design to ensure safety.
The layout shall be determined according to the development of the project and must be realized before the construction of the project bid section. Premature scheduling and blocking half of the traffic on the road are not allowed. The wall layout shall be neat and stable. The layout shall be based on conditions that do not hinder road traffic and pedestrians. In addition to the entrance of revenue and expenditure, we should continue to block the construction site to ensure that it is far away from the outside world. Traffic guidance signs shall be made before closure, and special personnel shall be designated to be responsible for the traffic order during construction. It is forbidden to stack debris such as residual soil and building materials near the fixed area to ensure the cleanliness of the area.
The size of the fixed area requires that after the enclosure structure is arranged on site, the transmission of dust and music can be effectively avoided, and the difficulty of safety protection on the construction site increases gradually. The relevant parts in the suburbs shall not be less than 2.5m, and the rest shall not be less than 1.8m. The construction thickness shall not be less than 0.45mm. Drive along the line of sight of pedestrians and vehicles at a 1.5m high intersection. This makes it easier for pedestrians and drivers to see the road conditions and improve construction safety. The use of plastic sealing cover increases the wind stability of the filled shell without punching in the air.
Normal protection and control enclosure, connected to incomplete enclosure. The construction enclosure manufacturer reminds everyone that after the construction is completed, the construction site should be cleaned immediately, safe and barbaric extraction should be carried out, and barbaric construction specifications should be observed. After use for a period of time, there will be some signs of wear. This time, the enclosure structure can not give full play to its role in urban wind resistance and other issues. This kind of construction enclosure structure needs early repeated protection and maintenance, and its safety function cannot be guaranteed.
The ultra-high cost performance and many advantages of the construction enclosure itself are more and more favored by developers, and can be used repeatedly. There is no need to worry about the impact of wind and rain on its own quality every day. Please follow our website www.dajiajie.cn COM, learn new information about enclosure!

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