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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2022-05-06

  After the completion of caigang enclosure, it plays an important role in construction. Of course, the product needs to meet certain requirements, so as to use it more smoothly. So during the construction of color steel enclosure to meet what requirements?
  With the development of caigang enclosure, there is a color steel plate, because the color steel plate has a certain ornamental, now widely used as caigang baffle. Caigang wai block production process is after machine pressure, paint, bending and other processing after a site maintenance and isolation of a profile, suitable for construction sites, highway maintenance, construction site of a light and isolation plate, its fire, waterproof, moisture-proof light weight characteristics are widely used.
  In addition, color steel wai block in welding should try to make the weld in a state of free contraction, to avoid large constraint, splice should be first welding staggered short weld, after welding straight long weld, and from the center to both ends of the application of welding. Weld the weld with large shrinkage in the structure first. The deformation of welding process can be well controlled by using less welding wire energy.
  The piecewise step-back welding method can reduce the welding deformation, but the transverse shrinkage of the weld is greatly hindered, so the welding stress is large. Reducing the welding deformation and reducing the welding stress should be considered comprehensively, weighing the advantages and disadvantages.
  The municipal government requires that bamboo strips and colored strips are strictly prohibited as building enclosures; Bamboo enclosure structures are strictly prohibited; Construction enclosure of woven bag and colored plastic board is strictly prohibited; Building enclosure structure damage, dirty, poor fixation; Without approval, prohibit enterprise's commercial advertisement or advertisement picture content. Without approval, the retaining structure of road construction shall be corrected. It is strictly forbidden to use colored strip cloth as building enclosure structure.
  Color steel enclosure manufacturers remind you that in the building enclosure structure approval, the city road department in charge of approval of municipal engineering road temporary occupation and road excavation, should be clear set standards, construction time and scope, and copy the approval content to the road maintenance department and the city management law enforcement department.
  The above is about the construction of the construction enclosure structure should meet the requirements of the whole content, if there is any do not know where you can directly communicate with our customer service www.dajiajie.cn, we wholeheartedly for your service.

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