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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-03-04


Today, before the development of many residential areas, developers will make construction process models in advance. Such models use a small corner to clearly present the structure of the whole building body. Customers can make reasonable customization according to different requirements, and manufacturers will make standard customization according to customized standards, with reliable quality, It can fully display the enterprise construction. Many people don't know what its function is? Today, woodworking shed manufacturers will introduce it.
1. With the function of building process template, it can make the operators familiar with all processes in the process of construction engineering. After the template is made and accepted together with Party A and the supervisor, if it is qualified, large quantities of construction work can be carried out.
2. The function of this product is to better control the whole construction quality, which is mainly to operate and install the construction safety template in a relatively small range or at a designated position according to the specified construction scheme before the construction of a large-area construction site.
3. The construction process template is to ensure the safety in the construction process, design and manufacture according to the requirements of the construction unit, ensure the requirements and production standards of the construction unit, and emulate a certain project, which is generally referred to as the template guide.
4. The product shall be made in strict accordance with the standards to show the materials and their quality, construction technology, construction process, technical level and construction quality used in the project. It also has many types, such as stair template, kitchen and bathroom template, roof template and so on, and can also be customized according to different requirements.
We will share the role of architectural process model today. There are many different types of such models. Only different types can fully display the engineering process of construction together.

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