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來源:http://www.dajiajie.cn/   發布時間:2021-11-18


1. All backstage fabrication, processing and mixing areas within the radius of tower crane must be provided with double-layer safety protection sheds.
2.操作場所掛設的標志牌有:機械驗收合格牌、警示牌、操作規程。標牌 的掛設高度為離地面 2.6 m標志牌規格為寬600mm*高800mm.
2. The signboards hung at the operation site include: Qualified Mechanical acceptance board, safety warning board and operation procedures. The hanging height of the sign is 2.6 m above the ground, and the specification of the sign is 600mm wide * 800mm high
3.地面必須進行砼硬化厚200mm,設置4L滅火器 2 只。開關箱與機械的水平 間距不得大于 3 m。
3. The ground must be hardened with concrete thickness of 200mm, and 2 4L fire extinguishers shall be set. The horizontal distance between the switch box and the machinery shall not be greater than 3 m.
4.雙層防護棚,兩層之間高度800mm,面層用噴繪布噴繪制成,正面為防護 棚名稱和標志牌,其余三面采 用警示標語。
4. The double-layer protective shed has a height of 800mm between the two layers. The surface layer is made of spray-painted cloth. The front side is the name of the protective shed and safety signs, and the other three sides are provided with safety warning slogans.
5. The name of the processing shed and the safety slogan are 400mm high, and the length is evenly arranged on site according to the size.
6.標志牌:寬 400mm*高500mm
6. Safety signboard: 400mm wide * 500mm high
7.基礎施工前應先視現場地質情況做地基處理,處理方法可采用夯實、換填石 料等,必須保證其密實度
7. Before foundation construction, foundation treatment shall be carried out according to the site geological conditions. The treatment methods can be tamping, replacement of stones, etc., and its compactness must be ensured
8. The vertical pole adopts 22# I-steel, and the column is painted with red paint. Each frame is 5m wide and 3M high. If the construction site is insufficient, the method can be adjusted according to 5M each frame, but it must be approved by the on-site technicians.
9.圖中標注為焊接的地方如無特殊說明的,均作滿焊處理 ,現場安裝前應對各 構件焊接質量進行驗收
9. The places marked as welding in the drawing shall be fully welded unless otherwise specified. The welding quality of each component shall be accepted before on-site installation
10.鋼筋加工機具應獨立配置開關箱,開關箱中心離地面高度為1.5m. 11.軟弱基礎及受臺風影響地區須增設拉錨。
10. Rebar processing machines and tools shall be equipped with switch box independently, and the height from the center of the switch box to the ground shall be 1.5m. 11. Pull anchors shall be added in weak foundation and typhoon affected areas.

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